Small business health plans in California

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Available plan type | Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plans |
Deductible Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) Plans |
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) |
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and Point of Service (POS) Plans2 |
What is it? |
A plan that covers care from in-network physicians. With predictable costs and no deductibles, you know how much you’ll pay for services and prescriptions.
An HMO plan with a deductible that offers lower rates. Employers and employees share costs.
A health plan with a higher deductible than a traditional health plan but lower monthly rates. HDHPs can be paired with a health savings account (HSA), allowing you to use pretax money to pay for qualified medical expenses.
PPO and POS plans are available alongside an HMO, a DHMO, or an HDHP. Get the convenience of one health plan for all your employee benefits. |
What's the advantage for employers? |
What’s the advantage for employees? |
Is there out-of-network coverage? |
No (except for emergencies) | No (except for emergencies) | No (except for emergencies) | Yes, but at a higher cost |
Annual deductible? | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Copays? | Yes | Yes | No |
Yes, for most in-network services; most out-of-network services require coinsurance payments |
Is a primary care physician required? |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Is a referral required to see a specialist? |
Usually | Usually | Usually | No, but some services require precertification |
A plan that covers care from in-network physicians. With predictable costs and no deductibles, you know how much you’ll pay for services and prescriptions.
- Comprehensive coverage
- Low, predictable out-of-pocket costs
- User friendly
- Easiest plan to administer
- Highest level of employee satisfaction
- Low out-of-pocket costs
- Care coordinated by a primary care physician
- Easy to understand
- No deductible
- Copay or coinsurance amounts are known up front
- Convenient for budgeting
- Additional payment options
see a specialist?
An HMO plan with a deductible that offers lower rates. Employers and employees share costs.
- Lower monthly rates
- Wide range of deductibles, copays, and coinsurance options
- Lower premiums than regular HMO plans
- Care coordinated by a primary care physician
- Preventive services covered at little or no cost
see a specialist?
A health plan with a higher deductible than a traditional health plan but lower monthly rates. HDHPs can be paired with a health savings account (HSA), allowing you to use pretax money to pay for qualified medical expenses.
- Lowest monthly rates
- Helps control costs with an HSA-qualified HDHP
- Comprehensive coverage with preventive services
- Cost-effective workforce health solutions that promote long-term health
- Lower premiums than regular DHMO plans
- Preventive services covered at little or no cost
- Federal tax-favored savings account used to pay qualified medical expenses with an HSA-qualified plan
see a specialist?
- Choice, flexibility, and convenience
- Coverage for employees living and working outside our service areas
- Referral-free access to an outside network of doctors and licensed providers
- Broader choice of primary care physicians
- No referrals required for specialists
see a specialist?
Multimarket solutions
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Find the right plan for your business 866-727-3575