Kaiser Permanente Virtual Complete plans

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Offer your workforce a virtual-first option for affordable and convenient telehealth care

Telehealth isn’t an add-on at Kaiser Permanente; it’s a core feature of our integrated care delivery system. With a Kaiser Permanente Virtual Complete® plan, your employees will have several ways to access high-quality virtual care — for many health conditions — that’s both affordable and convenient, helping them stay healthier and more engaged on the job. They’ll get to choose how they get care, by taking full advantage of our many no-cost virtual care options — while having access to in-person primary care whenever they need it.

Are you looking for Small Business Plans? Learn more here.

Our care teams are connected through our electronic health record system

Your employees get coordinated care from a team that always knows their medical history — whether care is received virtually or in person. Your employees can have confidence that they’ll get the right care at the right time.

Greater affordability through a virtual-first approach to care

Virtual Complete plans offer upfront value through $0 virtual care. Each virtual care appointment can save time missed away from work, and also:

  • Lower costs for both employers and employees
  • Reduce workforce stress
  • Remove barriers to getting care

And when your employees need in-person primary care, with no referral required, they’ll still have access to a wide range of common services available at a predictable copay.

This chart highlights a sample of our Virtual Complete offering.

Feature Description
Virtual care Primary care, specialty care, mental health, pediatrics, dermatology, and more
Digital health support Self-care apps, personalized healthy lifestyle programs, and more $0
In-person preventive care Routine physicals, screenings, and immunizations
In-person office visits Including primary care, mental health, and more
  • First 3 visits: $30 before deductible
  • Additional visits: $30 after deductible
Lab tests Such as blood tests, urine tests, and stool analysis
$15, not subject to deductible
Generic prescriptions
Drugs that are the same quality and effectiveness as their brand-name counterpart $15, not subject to deductible
Deductible The amount the member pays for certain services each year before the health plan starts paying Range of deductible options
Virtual care
Primary care, specialty care, mental health, pediatrics, dermatology, and more
Digital health support
Self-care apps, personalized healthy lifestyle programs, and more
In-person preventive care
Routine physicals, screenings, and immunizations
In-person office visits
Including primary care, mental health, and more
Lab tests
Such as blood tests, urine tests, and stool analysis
Generic prescriptions
Drugs that are the same quality and effectiveness as their brand-name counterpart
The amount the member pays for certain services each year before the health plan starts paying
Virtual care
Digital health support
In-person preventive care
In-person office visits
  • First 3 visits: $30 before deductible
  • Additional visits: $30 after deductible
Lab tests
$15, not subject to deductible
Generic prescriptions
$15, not subject to deductible
Range of deductible options

Copays for in-person office visits, lab tests, and generic prescriptions might be different.

The easy-to-access convenience of virtual care

With an enhanced suite of virtual care choices, your employees can get care in more ways than ever before — all without setting foot in a doctor’s office.

Virtual Complete plans allow members to:

  • Schedule phone or face-to-face video visits with their care team and specialists they’ve been referred to.

  • 24 hour icon

    Get on-demand support with 24/7 care advice by phone.

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    Order prescriptions on our mobile app or kp.org and get same-day or next-day delivery to their home.

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    Use our online symptom checker to get personalized care advice within a few hours.

  • Envelope icon

    Email their Kaiser Permanente doctor’s office with nonurgent health questions and get a reply within 2 to 3 business days.

  • Speech bubbles icon

    Get questions addressed quickly by chatting online with a customer service representative.

With kp.org and the Kaiser Permanente app, members have a simple, secure way to manage their health — all in one connected, convenient platform.

Virtual care can address a wide range of health needs

We also use virtual care for preventive measures and chronic condition management, not just for simple one-time care needs.

Many care teams provide virtual care, including:

  • Primary care
  • Mental health
  • Pediatrics
  • Family medicine
  • Women’s health
  • Pharmacy
  • Urgent care
  • COVID-19
  • Cold and Flu
  • Internal medicine

Get a quote on a Virtual Complete plan for your business


  • Virtual Complete is not available in Hawaii.